校長 黃美智教授
2010年至今 (主持人)
A. 期刊論文
- Hwang, S. Y., Yen, M., Lee, B. O., Huang, M. C., & Tseng, H. F. (2010). A critical thinking disposition scale for nurses: short form. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(21-22), 3171-3176.
- Feng, J. Y., Fetzer, S., Chen, Y. W., Yeh, L., & Huang, M. C. (2010). Multidisciplinary collaboration reporting child abuse: A grounded theory study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(12), 1483-1490.
- Ho, T. S., Huang, M. C., Wang, S. M., Hsu, H. C., & Liu, C. C. (2013). Knowledge, attitude, and practice of dengue disease among healthcare professionals in southern Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 112(1), 18-23.
- Chang, L. C., Liu, C. C., & Huang, M. C.* (2013). Parental knowledge, concerns, and management of childhood fever in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Research, 21(4), 252-260.
- Lin, C. J., Chang, P. R., Wang, L. H., & Huang, M. C.* (2015). Cultural competence course for nursing students in Taiwan: A longitudinal study. Nurse Education Today, 35(12), 1268-1274.
- Chao, H. C., Yang, Y. P., Huang, M. C., & Wang, J. J. (2016). Development and psychometric testing of the caregiver communication competence scale in patients with dementia. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 42(1), 32-39.
- Chao, H. C., Kaas, M., Su, Y. H., Lin, M. F., Huang, M. C., & Wang, J. J. (2016). Effects of the advanced innovative internet-based communication education program on promoting communication between nurses and patients with dementia. Journal of Nursing Research, 24(2), 163-172.
- Chang, L. C., Lee, P. L., Kuo, N. W., & Huang, M. C.* (2016). Effectiveness of simulation-based education on childhood fever management by Taiwanese parents. Pediatrics and Neonatology, 57(6), 467-473.
- Efendi, F., Mackey, T. K., Huang, M. C. & Chen, C. M. (2017). IJEPA: Gray Area for Health Policy and International Nurse Migration. Nursing Ethics, 24(3), 313-328.
- Lin, C. J., Huang, M. C.*, & Lee, C. K. (2017). Cultural competence of healthcare providers: A systematic review of assessment instruments. Journal of Nursing Research, 25(3), 174-186.
- Lin, M. F., Hsu, W. S., Huang, M. C., Su, Y. H., Crawford, P., & Tang, C. C. (2017). ‘I couldn’t even talk to the patient’ : Barriers to communicating with cancer patients as perceived by nursing students. European Journal of Cancer Care. 26(4), e12648.
- Chen, K. L., Chang, C. M., Chen, C. H., & Huang, M. C.* (2018). Information reception and expectation among hospitalized elderly patients in Taiwan: A pilot study. Journal of Nursing Research. 26(3), 199-206.
- Chen, C. I., & Huang, M. C.* (2018). Exploring the growth trajectory of cultural competence in Taiwanese paediatric nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 27(23-24), 4331-4339.
- Aziza, Y. D. A., Wang, S. T., & Huang, M. C.* (2019). Unmet supportive care needs and psychological distress among parents of children with cancer in Indonesia. Psycho-Oncology. 28(1), 92-98.
- Chuang, L. J., Wang, S. H., Ma, M. C., Lin, C. N., Chen, C. L., & Huang, M. C.* (2019). A modified developmental care bundle reduces pain and stress in preterm infants undergoing examinations for retinopathy of prematurity: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 28(3-4), 545-559.
- Gst. Kade Adi Widyas Pranata, & Huang, M. C. (2019). The lived experience of family in performed first aid toward their children who have febrile seizures. Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Nasional. 3(1), 118-127. [Bahasa]
- Shih, H. I., Cheung, C. H. A., Huang, I. H., Huang, M. C., & Kao, C. Y. (2019). Development of a transcultural nursing program for nursing students in Taiwan. Journal of Medical Education, 23(2), 26-37.
- Utami, S., & Huang, M. C. (2019). Health care providers’ perception, knowledge, barriers and practice of kangaroo care for preterm baby in Indonesia. Journal of Neonatal Nursing. 25(4), 205-208.
- Anak Agung Istri Wulan Krisnandari D, & Huang, M. C. (2019). Knowledge, self-efficacy, and behavior of dengue fever's prevention among elementary school students. Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Nasional. 3(2), 28-34. [Bahasa]
- Lin, S. C., & Huang, M. C. (2020). Consulting with a folk deity before making decisions: Spiritual practices in parents facing end-of-life decisions for their child on life support with brain stem dysfunction. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 15(1), 1756686.
- Haryatiningsih Purwandari, & Huang, M. C. (2020). Short-term outcome of preterm infants in one medical center in Indonesia. Babali Nursing Research. 1(2), 47-57.
- Sugiharto, S. H., & Huang, M. C. (2020). Diabetes self-management engagement: A case study analysis of respect for patient’s autonomy. Saudi Journal of Nursing and Health Care. 3(8), 237-240.
- Yetti, K., Lindayani, L., & Huang, M. C. (2020). Children HIV disclosure: Should the children know their HIV status prior treatment and what are the information have to be told? Clinical Ethics. 15(3), 162-166.
- Hertanti, N. S., Huang, M. C., Chang, C. M., Fetzer, S. J., & Kao, C. Y. (2020). Knowledge and comfort related to palliative care among indonesian primary health care providers. Australian Journal of Primary Health. 26(6), 472-478.
- Lin, S. C., Huang, M. C.*, Yasmara, D., & Wuu, H. L. (2021). Impact of palliative care on end-of-life care and place of death in children, adolescents, and young adults with life-limiting conditions: A systematic review. Palliative & Supportive Care. 19(4), 488-500.
- Asiandi, A., Erlina, M., Lin, Y. Y., Huang, M. C. (2021). Psychometric evaluation of the nurses professional values scale-3: Indonesian version. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(16), 8810.
- Chang, L. C., & Huang, M. C.* (2021). Efficacy of scenario simulation-based education in relieving parental anxiety about fever in children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 61(1), 102-108.
- Tsai, S. T., Yen, M. C., Hsiao, Y. C., Wang, H. L., Huang, M. C., & Chou, F. H. (2022). A preliminary study of current situation and competences of doctoral nursing education in Taiwan: A multi-methods research design.. Nurse Education in Practice. 59, 103302.
- Lin, S. C., Chang, K. L., & Huang, M. C.* (2022). When and how do healthcare professionals introduce specialist palliative care to the families of children with life-threatening conditions in Taiwan? A qualitative study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 64, e136–e144.
- Tran Thi, T. H., Sriyani Padmalatha, K. M., & Huang, M. C.* (2022). Effects of distraction on reducing pain during invasive procedures in children with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pain Management Nursing, 23(3), 281–292.
- Hapsari, H. I., Huang, M. C.*& Kanita, M. W. (2023). Evaluating self-concept measurements in adolescents: A systematic review. Children, 10(2), 399.
- Purwandari, H., Purnamasari, M. D., Mulyono, W. A., & Huang, M. C. (2023). Preterm infant cues during breastfeeding and its measurement: A scoping review. Belitung Nursing Journal, 9(3), 209–217.
- Utami, S., Huang, M. C. *, & Wang, S. T. (2023). Parental perception, knowledge, barriers and practice of kangaroo care for preterm infants in Indonesia. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 29(3), 529–534.
- Hapsari, H. I., & Huang, M. C.*(2023). Adolescent assent in research: A relational ethics approach. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, 8(4), 313-317.
- Huang, C. C., Hwang, Y. S., Lin, Y. C., & Huang, M. C.* (2024). Effects of oral stimulation on feeding readiness of preterm infants: A randomized controlled study. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 30(2), 160-164.
- 李秀現、馬先芝、許以霖、黃美智、馮瑞鶯(2010).急診護理新趨勢:災難護理的發展—以成大醫院為例‧護理雜誌,57(3),26-31。
- 陳雲絹、林秀娟、林佳霓、黃美智*(2010).先天性腎上腺增生症父母之家庭經驗敘事.醫護科技學刊,12(3),199-211。
- 李淑芬、王維芳、張圓圓、黃維珍、黃美智*(2010).醫學中心複合式護理模式中照顧服務員之工作經驗‧護理暨健康照護研究,6(4),253-260。
- 陳志軒、黃美智(2011).臺灣原住民族基因研究的倫理基礎:以關懷倫理與社會正義為依歸.臺灣生命倫理學刊,1,9-21。
- 黃惠子、莊宇慧、黃美智*(2011).護理人員處理身體約束的倫理困境.臺灣生命倫理學刊,1,23-34。
- 徐獻洲、黃美智*(2011).文化適切性照護:協助一位新移民母親之癌症學童返回校園.護理雜誌,58(supp3),85-89。
- 林貞秀、張瑩如、林佳霓、黃美智*(2011).發展性照護在早產兒餵食過程之應用.護理雜誌,59(3),107-112。
- 徐獻洲、陳思蓉、黃美智*(2012).文化適切性衛教改變越籍母親發燒處理訊息動機與行為技能之成效.護理雜誌,59(6),55-64。
- 張瀚云、黃美智*(2012).就業服務員是否隱匿精神障礙者身分之倫理探討.就業安全,11(2),94-100。
- 陳倩芳、黃美智、陳家玉、郭碧照(2012).護理指導對改變熱性痙攣患童主要照顧者疾病態度、認知、關注及行為成效.護理暨長期照護研究,8(4),278-287。
- 張淑貞、張瑩如、黃美智、郭俊榕、陳清惠(2013).臨床護理倫理教育之建置與推展.臺灣生命倫理學刊,2,63-73。
- 陳萩憶、黃美智*(2013).網路PO圖─倫理知多少.臺灣生命倫理學刊,2,7-22。
- 陳曉梅、黃美智*(2013).失能老人非自願入住機構自主權的提昇.長期照護雜誌,17(1),57-66。
- 林室均、林貞秀、張嘉雯、陳筱旻、陳祉伶、黃美智*(2013).比較早產兒親餵與瓶餵之暗示行為.護理雜誌,60(6),27-34。
- 洪筱瑩、黃美智*(2014).同意與贊同─青少年接受骨髓移植之倫理考量.護理雜誌,61(4),83-89。
- 莊麗玉、黃美智*(2014).為何回家是條漫漫長路?談談思覺失調症病人出院的自主權.護理雜誌,61(5),85-90。
- 楊雅萍、王靜枝、黃美智*(2015)‧失智症患者預立醫囑相關議題探討‧長期照護雜誌,19(3),295-303。
- 林美嵐、甘偵蓉、黃美智*(2016)‧社會行為科學研究之倫理審查與案例分析:以成功大學人類研究倫理審查委員會為例‧臺灣生命倫理學刊,3,61-74。
- 甘偵蓉、黃美智*、戴華(2016)‧大學的人類研究倫理治理架構:以成功大學的運作模式為例‧臺灣生命倫理學刊,3,75-97。
- 王淯汶、黃美智* (2016)‧基於新生兒與嬰兒最佳利益準則進行倫理決策‧臺灣生命倫理學刊,4,27-36。
- 唐景俠、陳嘉容、黃美智*(2017)‧大量傷患醫療資源分配之倫理思辨—以八仙塵爆為例.護理雜誌,64(1),105-111。
- 黃美智*、林秀娟、陳祉伶、黃子容(2017)‧新興產前遺傳檢測之臨床運用及倫理考量.護理雜誌,64(5),5-10。
- 謝佩綸、黃美智*(2017)‧護理倫理規範—談護理新手到專家之「盡職」倫理.護理雜誌,64(6),91-97。
- 陳思蓉、徐獻洲、黃美智*(2019)‧以個案研究法分析某醫學中心兒童病房癌症末期照護困境.腫瘤護理雜誌,19(1增訂刊),27-38。
- 黃淳琪、黃美智*(2019)‧以暗示行為為基礎之發展性照護—協助一位早產兒度過餵食轉換期.護理雜誌,66(2),101-106。
- 張心怡、馮瑞鶯、黃美智(2019)‧兒童虐待之研究倫理議題.護理雜誌,66(5),72-79。
- 辜漢章、黃美智、柯乃熒(2020)‧醫療專業人員對愛滋病人烙印之倫理變遷.長庚護理,31(3),329-337。
- 莊玲如、黃美智*(2020)‧發展性照護於早產兒視網膜病變檢查之臨床應用.護理雜誌,67(5),82-88。
- 陳映筑、陳思蓉、黃美智*(2020)‧一位尼曼匹克疾病C型末期合併呼吸困難住院病童之護理經驗.護理雜誌,67(6),89-96。
- 沈芸伊、林沛欣、陳映筑、高綺吟、黃美智*(2021)‧追蹤接受返校照護模式癌症兒童之學校生活適應.腫瘤護理雜誌,21(1),29-44。
- 陳姿菁、林貞伶、黃美智(2021)‧以兒科安寧共同照護模式協助一位臨終癌童家庭之經驗‧安寧療護雜誌,26(1),65-75。
- 許家瑜、范淑詒、黃美智、高綺吟(2022)‧關係自主之概念分析‧長庚護理,33(3),28-37。
- 陳貞如、黃美智、陳亭均、高綺吟(2023)‧專科護理師自主性之概念分析‧長庚護理,34(2),33-43。
B. 專書
- Hinchliff, S. (2013)‧做一個稱職的臨床教師:從理論到實務(蕭斐璠譯,張黎露、黃美智校閱)‧臺北市:臺灣愛思唯爾。(原著出版於2009). Hinchliff, S. (2009, Feb).The practitioner as teacher. London: Churchill Livingstone.
- 曹堅華、黃美智、梁淑華(2013)‧兒童神經系統疾病與護理‧於黃美智、蔣立琦總校訂,兒科護理學(五版,12-01~12-86頁)‧臺北市:永大。
- 洪筱瑩、王淯汶、黃美智(2015)‧兒科的倫理議題‧於胡月娟總校閱,護理專業倫理與實務(一版,177-204頁)‧新北市:新文京。
- 曹堅華、黃美智(2018)‧兒童神經系統疾病與護理‧於黃美智、蔣立琦總校訂,兒科護理學(六版,12-01~12-82頁)‧臺北市:永大。
- 洪筱瑩、王淯汶、黃美智(2019)‧兒科的倫理議題‧於胡月娟總校閱,護理專業倫理與實務(二版,149-170頁)‧新北市:新文京。
- Jonsen, A. R., Siegler, M., & Winslade, W. J. (2021, Aug)‧臨床倫理學(辛幸珍、許正園、黃美智、許文鳳、陳妤嘉、蔡篤堅譯)‧台北市:合記圖書出版社。(原著出版於2015). Jonsen, A. R., Siegler, M., & Winslade, W. J. (2015, Aug). Clinical ethics: A practical approach to ethical decisions in clinical medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
- 洪筱瑩、王淯汶、黃美智(2023)‧兒科的倫理議題‧於胡月娟總校閱,護理專業倫理與實務(三版,157-180頁)‧新北市:新文京。
- 112年台灣傑出護理人員獎─專業貢獻獎
- 106學年度教學創新與教學成果發表教學創新團體組第一名(Caring Patient through Cancer Journey-「腫瘤全期整合性照護」跨域移動力專業人才深耕培育)
- 台南市護理師護士公會服務護理工作屆滿30年(30年資深護理人員)
- Fulbright Scholarship Award傅爾布萊特資深學者赴美研究獎助金
Hester McLaws Nursing Scholarship, School of Nursing at University of Washington
上次更新時間:2024/11/22 上午 08:29:02